Employment opportunities

If you want a job, you must always be on the lookout for employment opportunities, whether you are at home, or strolling around the city. More than likely there are employment opportunities just round the corner.

Ways of locating employment opportunities at home:

1. Look through some recent newspapers: There are always a large variety of jobs in newspapers that are being advertised.

2. Internet: The world wide web has an outstanding amount of websites that will allow you to find jobs that suit you the best. eg. www.seek.com.au.

3. Letters: Send some letters to businesses that may offer appropriate jobs.

Ways of locating employment opportunities elsewhere:

1. Shops: If you are looking for a part-time job, a good idea would be to have a look around shopping centres. Some shops may have available jobs that are being advertised at the door.

2. Businesses: Go to the reception of a company and enquire about the company and jobs.

3. Ask friends and relatives: Friends and relatives may own or have connections to some businesses such as restaurants, grocery stores and convenience stores.


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